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management training course中文是什么意思

用"management training course"造句"management training course"怎么读"management training course" in a sentence


  • 管理课程


  • Executive management training course
  • Shop pos management train course
  • The first sps food safety executive management training course in ottawa feb 2003
    在加拿大举行的第一届sps食品安全政府高级管理培训, 2003年2月
  • Wetland management training course : south china coastal wetland conservation - waterbird survey in coastal wetland of fujian province
  • Wetland management training course : south china coastal wetland conservation - project completion report english pdf document , 60 kb
    湿地管理培训项目:南中国沿海湿地保育项目项目完成报告英文版本pdf文件, 60 kb
  • Wetland management training course : report of waterbird survey in coastal wetland of fujian province from january to may 2003 english pdf document , 310 kb
    湿地管理培训项目:福建沿海水鸟调查报告英文版本pdf文件, 310kb
  • The success of wetland management training courses initiated the idea of small grants projects to fund small - scale community education and wetland conservation projects in mainland china
    随著培训课程取得成功, “汇丰湿地培训项目”再接再厉,推出小额资助计划,目的在资助中国内地的小型社区教育和湿地保育项目。
  • This category covers food safety laboratory assessment guidelines , and also documents from the international food safety symposium held in hangzhou in october 2003 , and from the executive management training course
    " 2003年10月10日- 11日在杭州举行的国际食品安全研讨会"论文集政府高级管理培训课程的技术资料以及质量保证体系技术资料下载
  • With the financial support from lotteries fund , the council has been able to offer these courses , mainly computer training and professional social work training courses free of charge , and the management training courses at relatively low course fees
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